Thursday 20 September 2012

Wild Flower Course- Session 6: Success!

The last part of the 6 session wild flower course took place on Wednesday at Carding Mill Valley, it started with a guided walk around Rectory wood, identifying flowers, trees and fungi. Nick Robinson and John Worrell described medicinal uses, culinary uses and numerous other interesting facts about the flora.

Afterwards the course visited dyeing techniques in which a variety of different plants and berries were used with a variety of fabrics. Gorse and Heather were used to create a bright yellow and Blackberries and Elderberries used to dye cloth purple. The process was described and explained by Jan and Kate and the finished products shown.

Looking at the finished dyed products.

Jan and Kate talking through the methods of dyeing.
Nick and John then went on to show natural remedies and materials which included: Plantain salve used for nettle stings and insect bites, cordage made from Bramble and a pea shooter using a hollowed out Elder stick. Nick then showed different fire lighting methods using materials such as; Rose Bay Willow Herb, Silver Birch bark and even Fungi.

Dr John demonstrating the Plantain salve.
Nick using his fire steel to create sparks.

A big thank you to everyone who helped with the course including, Nick, Dr John, Rob, Caroline, Lucy, Jan, both Kates and many more. The course should be running again next year so keep your eyes peeled and we will keep you updated.

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